Thursday, December 9, 2010

" Savior of the Nations Come"

     During the course of a Sunday service, you might find yourself flipping through the Lutheran Hymnal and fall upon hymn #95.  Hymn 95 or titled as "Savior of the Nations"is  written by Martin Luther.  Luther's message is that God sent His only Son into the world to be crucified so that we sinners may live in His eternal kingdom. Jesus is the Savior of World yet He arrived by a humble birth.  Christ, unlike us,was born holy and pure, by means of a virgin. Since we are born into sin, we are slaves to it. To free us from our bondage, Jesus conquered sin, death, and the devil. So by His blood all people can be in His holy kingdom.
     In the hymn Luther celebrates God's gift to mankind: Jesus. To engage the reader he uses the tool of description. In which the he describes the manger as brightly shining because Christ is the light of world who takes aways the sin of the world.  Christ's light is so bright that no power of hell or schemes of men could ever snuff it out.  Since having the joy of Jesus in our hearts we should allow our daily life to reflect that light. When the final days of our lives come we have the comfort to know Christ conquered all so that we may join Him in everlasting happiness.

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