Sunday, October 31, 2010

Law Banning items from rearview mirrors is being rethought

     In the article, the largely ignored ban of dangling mirror items is discussed. Lawmakers in Michigan are considering loosening up on the ban. Among the drivers the common rule of thumb is: if it can not obstruct your view its legal. Detroit's John Ortiz gives his perspective "some things are gaudy, and I could understand banning that, but this air freshener doesn't distract my view." Many share similar a view, such as Sen. Ron Jelinek who is behind the bill to allow small items and prohibit large ones. So far the bill has been passed in the Senate, and awaits debate in the state House. But so far Gov. Jennifer Granholm is in favor of it as well. One of the main reasons this ban is ignored, is because how little enforced  it is. Lt. Matt Bolger responds that stopping every car for a violation is impossible. Police force is in support to do away with the ban, but compromised that large items should be a violation. Steve Purd, spokesman of the National  Motorist Association sums up the idea "Unless it's large and an obvious obstruction, its just silly for police to pull somebody over for that. People aren't hurting anybody and they're not causing any danger."

     The important thing is that this law has been unfairly enforced," Jelinek said. "You see people driving with things hanging. They don't get stopped, so it's kind of an excuse for being stopped" I liked this quote because it is so true. How many times on the road do you see drivers with items hanging. I have yet to hear of someone getting pulled over for a pair of fuzzy dice or a rosary. Police have bigger problems, stopping drunk drivers and speeders who truly put our safety into jeopardy.

     After reading this article, I disagree with the ban. " Michigan State Police intially fought an effort to ditch the ban outright...." Even our enforcers of safety, the police are in favor of removal of the ban. The ban seems unnessary due to low threat mirror decor  has on a driver. Knowing that other drivers views are not obstructed by fresh pine scents, gives me no concerns.

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